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Breast Procedures in Wichita, Kansas

Breast procedures can be used to balance the body and create a proportionate, shapely, and feminine appearance. Breast augmentation through breast implants, breast reduction, breast lift, or reconstructive breast surgery at our Wichita, Kansas plastic surgery office can also help increase self-confidence and overall satisfaction with your physical appearance. During your confidential consultation, Dr. Matthew Conrad can discuss any concerns you may have, including questions about the cost of breast implants and the safety of breast-related procedures, and help you develop a treatment plan designed to meet your personal goals.Breast Surgery Wichita, KS

Breast Augmentation (Breast Implants)

Mastopexy (Breast Lift)

Breast Reduction

Breast Reconstruction

Mastopexy (Breast Lift)

Loss of breast volume due to aging, weight loss, pregnancy, or other factors can be corrected with the breast lift procedure, which raises and reshapes the breasts for a youthful, attractive figure. After excess skin and tissues are removed, the nipple is repositioned to ensure completely natural-looking results. If the patient is also concerned about breast size, the breast lift procedure may be combined with breast implants at our Wichita, Kansas plastic surgery office. Typically performed as an out patient procedure with general anesthesia, breast lift can cause temporary side effects including swelling, bruising, numbness, and discomfort. Most patients are able to return to work and light activities in one to two weeks.

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Breast Reduction

Most women who seek breast reduction at our Wichita, Kansas plastic surgery office wish to eliminate physical discomfort or self-consciousness about their appearance. Large, heavy breasts can cause back and neck pain, limit activity and clothing options, and draw unwanted attention. By removing excess fat, skin, and breast tissue, the breast reduction procedure can create a smaller bust line and more proportionate body contour. Breast reduction at our Wichita, Kansas plastic surgery office is typically performed as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia. Temporary side effects may include discomfort, numbness, swelling, and bruising, and most patients are able to return to non-strenuous activities in one to two weeks.

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Breast Reconstruction

Breast reconstruction can be performed at the time of mastectomy (removal of the breast) or at a later date to help restore a woman’s sense of wholeness and well-being. Typically performed in stages, the first step involves the placement of a tissue expander under the remaining breast skin. This expander is later replaced with a permanent breast implant. Alternatively, a breast mound can be formed using tissue from the woman’s abdomen or back. The second step involves the creation of the nipple and areola for a natural-looking, balanced appearance. To learn more about this procedure please visit Please contact our office to schedule a personal, confidential consultation.

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For more information on breast procedures, including concerns about the cost of breast implants and safety questions, please contact our Wichita, Kansas plastic surgery office. In addition to providing exceptional breast augmentation, reduction, lift, and reconstruction procedures, our practice also offers liposuction, tummy tuck, facelift, rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, and more to help our patients look and feel their very best.